MRP's Price

MRP’s Price: If you spend your whole day in Ratna Park it is certain that you can see people from 75 districts of Nepal, implicitly. But these days Ratna Park is not only the single place where you find the people of all the districts, the next destination where you can fulfill your wish to observe multi ethnic, multi lingual public is Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kathmandu where people gather for the Passport. I am not talking about the newly introduced cigar brand that is sold around the Foreign Ministry but about the 32 odd pages notebook that permits us to go out of the country i.e. Passport. It has been around six months that people from different parts of the country have gathered in the place every office day just to open a way to get an exit ID from the country through the Machine Readable Passport i.e. M.R.P. I was also the one who made an appearance there by waiting the whole day in a queue to submit the form for permit. To be honest it was a learning experience. I still remember the day when I went to the ministry for authorization. Why won’t I? Because it was the day when I woke up the earliest and suddenly rushed to reach around six. Reaching there I was surprised to see another three hundred people who were there before me in that cold December standing in a queue. Being witness of that I was fragile. But I was compelled to stay because I was there to complete rather small but challenging mission of making the MRP. Similarly, that day I realized the number of people wanting to go the foreign nation either for employment or other reasons. In the process in standing in line I made some new friend. Ahead of me was the friend Hari from Khotang .In the process of chatting with him I came to know the difficulty of people coming from that far to this place just to make passport which could have been made in home district before a year ago. This is my second visit to Kathmandu to make passport says Hari. He adds that last time in the process of submitting the form he was denied due to the reason that the letter from the CDO was not formal as asked by Ministry. And also economically speaking there’s around 5000 rupees expenditure every time while coming to Kathmandu, adds Hari. My friend Hari’s situation is just like a trailer of the movie. There are many more people like my friend who have come from far and have been denied in the name of photo, authorized letter and other reasons. Similarly, their money has been in vain due to lack of knowledge they have in the related topic. So, now it’s the time that our government should do something and not negate that they have been lacking somewhere and do their homework right either by not letting the things to repeat as a result people coming from far will again have to bear trouble in the Ministry. Or it will be better if they distribute the MRPs from the respected CDO office as quickly analyzing that maximum part of Nepal is still lacking proper roadways and citizen like Hari have to walk a single day just to catch the bus. Again if government does not show responsibility, the innocent people have to bear the price and can just say “Atti Bhayo” to government negligence towards this case. Text: Sudesh Thapa
The passport and visa system in the world is really outdated . Whatever the ever increasingly cunning governments apply in technology its the old concept of keeping the privileged out from the poor that's what creating the problems for most of the people. The threat of terrorism and illegal activities aren't as significant as out in the media but the disparity and barrier created by the government that hinders the livelihood of so many innocent migrants that want to earn descent living.